
When you start a new project, particularly a really big or complex one, it is almost impossible to avoid getting stuck in the detail. When you came up with the idea you could see the big picture, but as you get more involved in turning ideas into reality the details swarm around you and the big picture fades and it becomes far too easy to make decisions that steer the project away from your goals.

It is not by chance that so many start up businesses fail, many start with great ideas but either loose direction when the big problems hit, or they never had the right resources available from the start which makes failure inevitable.

Having a second opinion can make a huge difference, someone who is not part of the project but has a breadth of experience in the field can offer observations from a neutral viewpoint.

Call it engineering consultancy, or project analysis, or what ever you want, the important thing is having someone able to point out you are off course, show you where the really valuable bits are or where the holes are in your plan.

Technology projects suffer the most, many projects involve a complex set of problems, from design to manufacturing, from marketing to logistics. Many underestimate development costs, particularly in the area of quality which is vital to success, corners are cut as unforeseen challenges hit and the end product fails in the marketplace. Going in underfunded is the kiss of death to any project.

When you understand and can quantify all these factors you end up with a very robust plan, but that’s just the start.

If I get involved in your project I won’t just write a report then leave you too it, unless that’s what you want, but I will keep reviewing your progress through the crucial start up period. Keeping the viewpoint from outside looking in, just to help you steer your project in the way you wanted in the first place.

Project analysis – you’ve got a design and want some help

  • Will it work
  • What are the pitfalls
  • How much will it cost
  • What skills and people does it need
  • How long will it take.
  • Technical risks

Project creation – you’ve got an idea and want to know how to make it happen.

  • Business plan.
  • Resource profile
  • Costing
  • Timing
  • Facilities
  • Technical specification book
  • Supplier lists

Project recovery – it’s gone a bit wrong and you need some help

  • Rapid problem analysis
  • Recovery path plans
  • Resource options
  • Interim management.